I managed to get a lot of recording done this weekend and even yesterday while nobody was around to be bothered by it. There's a bit more I have to tweak and record again, but this weekend coming up I'm hoping to finish and upload episode 10.
That's as far as video progress is going so far. But I also need to address something I've seen a few comments about. Me and the rest of the Mind Series (the most popular ones anyway).
There's been a fair number of people who have been bugging me to start bugging Krimsin or MightyPirate or even Corky about paying attention to my series.
To this I say, no, N O no.
Would I like the surge in popularity and subscriber increase? Sure! But that's not how to go about it. Those guys got their popularity on their own merits (everyone searching for Half-Life based mind series probably helped too) and that's how it should be. Exposure is something you earn, not force.
Granted, I was the one who contacted Krimisin for Episode 7. But I had a reason to do so and if I have to contact anyone else from that group I'll need another good reason.
It's not hard to email or PM them don't get me wrong, they seem pretty open about that. But you don't email or call somebody for the sake doing so. That's just stupid, especially if you do it over and over again.
Bottom line, I'm not going to do it because it's rude. If I get noticed at all by anyone else I'd prefer they find me themselves or have a friend tell them. Word of mouth is the least obnoxious form of marketing, and the last thing I need is to be an asshole to people I admire.
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