Saturday, October 2, 2010

10 is here...Finally!

Hell yeah! Got it done! And with a little extra to boot. Hope you guys enjoy this. Gotta work on 11 now, I'm hoping to get to the end of Interval 3 in at most 2 more episodes so we get at the real meat of the game.

Until then!


  1. you work fast. this pleases me :)

  2. btw are you in the mind group yet?

  3. I don't think so. But its not really up to me anyway, however that goes I'm still happy the way things are now.

  4. I thought you might since you got Krimsen to help out on that one episode

  5. I did get him to help out with this but nothing beyond that has come up. I'm still excited that he decided to cameo in my series at all so even if I never get considered part of "the group" it'll still be worth it.

    I'd expect more from that character pretty soon too.

  6. I dunno about this had some good emoting going for the first few the pointman just seems bored, even when he's scared...
