In case a lot of you weren't aware, when I moved out so I could attend college there were a few setbacks. I already mentioned the sound issue which is more or less fixed...sorta.
What hasn't been fixed is that the internet service I get up here is wireless and provided by the school campus wide. Meaning I can't play any of my games online with anyone and any games I have that require me to be connected to the internet even for single player are useless.
I'm back home for the Thanksgiving weekend (Canada remember?) so I can get back into gaming again but only while I'm here. As soon as I leave I'm shit out of luck. Only option I have to get around this is to get an entirely separate ISP to provide me with a fast connection, which will cost me money I don't have.
It does work out a little well because this way I can focus on my work more. Still though, I'm pretty sure The Shining started out like this and we all know how Jack Nicolson's character handled it. Did I mention I don't get any TV either?
Anywho, just me feeling like bitching about stuff that's completely irrelevant to you guys. This doesn't prevent me from recording footage or playing this my purely offline games either. So don't worry about it.
If you don't cry man tears after seeing this then you need to play Mass Effect 1 and 2 now!
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