Friday, December 17, 2010

So YouTube is Being Weird

I have no idea why this appeared all of the sudden but I'm a little weirded out by it.

So its saying I can upload videos that are longer than 15 minutes now. Thats nice and all and apparently its being applied only to certain users who've complied with YouTube guidelines.

I'm assuming that they generally mean with "complying with guidelines" they're actually talking about copyright infringement. I'm not sure if they're actually looking at who they're applying this to, but I know I'm not following copyright laws 100% here.
I'm basically using a copyrighted video game to amplify my own work, if I was under legal investigation I would be a prosecutor's wet dream right now. And I'm not the only one either.

Legality aside. Does this mean I'll be making videos longer than 15 minutes now?

No....well sorta.

For the Point Man's Mind, no there won't be videos that exceed 15 minutes unless things call for it. Internet videos tend to only work in short bursts like that and I generally feel like my writing abilities work in that same fashion.
Maybe if there isn't an appropriate cut off point for few more minutes of gameplay. Maybe then, but I wouldn't expect it.

The times where it probably will are going to be for Let's Plays. I haven't continued one of those in a bit but not having to look at the clock will make things easier. And with this new found time on my hands I might be able to bring one out soon.

So I figured I'd bring this to everyone's attention. I still find it weird and a little confusing that they're figuring me for a copyright abiding citizen, but whatever.

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