Monday, November 22, 2010

Ep 12 Progress

Since you guys have been so diligently waiting, I figured I should let you know how far along things have gotten.

The script's rough draft before I record the game footage is done now, the final draft will be tweaked and finalized when I start dialogue. So I'm 1/3 of the way through right now. Things should calm down after this Wednesday in terms of work so that should make things easier.
I also managed to squeeze in the Shephard character's little banter with the NPCs in the script, only just long enough for it. I'm hoping to get everything I need done before I start bugging Krimsin though. Getting all of that out of the way first should free up my time for other things.

Also if nobody noticed yet I'm doing a team Let's Play of Contra and Super C with forum members on and they've already gotten to part 5. I opened that series of videos with level 1and will do another video with level 4 in Super C. I already have a playlist up for those videos so check 'em out if you get the chance.

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